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绿色椅子 Green Chair 2005 [韓语_/英文字][1.4GB/AVI] [複製鏈接]

! U2 U. u$ O- k8 x+ \  c
【[影片片名]】:Green Chair (2005)' \# }# `. m$ X2 K# Y
【[影片大小]】:1.4GB' M8 N) l% w9 T  g
4 U" n: q# w* B3 {( G0 \【[檔案數目]】:1个9 k: g: d7 C- J6 I( C, L0 N
【[有碼無碼]】:三級   : c9 G1 x& D. ?" j" L
Revised romanization: Noksaek Uija) `* C- N0 ]* R# }# n$ E
Hangul: 녹색의자/ k. y; u* Y& }$ b1 J, m5 S. ?
Director: Park Chul-Soo
9 K' N9 p+ k! q7 T* H, O- Y5 oWriter: Kim Jun-Han, Park Chul-Soo1 K! m; |) H  A4 X
Producer: Lee Jung-Ho
; I) }$ ?5 Q0 [Cinematographer Jang Young-Gyu
! J3 Q4 X6 n/ t7 G$ b% K/ PRelease Date: June 10, 2005
2 M" G& K# Q. x5 sRuntime: 103 min) O& z' k* E% O( ]1 Q
Language: Korean
% q: z8 _- j! VCountry: South Korea
% S6 O5 W* Z7 p& ^Subtitles: English
* v3 r. t" D, L7 {! hCast
" }" k4 M0 ?% R* U: ~' HSeo Jung - Kim Mun-Hee
' o7 F  o& ~& M! R/ NShim Ji-Ho - Seo Hyun+ a) F% r& {- E/ s" t
Oh Yoon-Hong - Su-Jin% V( [1 ]2 z* S: y3 I4 E
Sun Wook-Hyun - detective
6 {2 X& @5 P: u) B! kKim Jun-Han - journalist, @# _% ^! u7 l) W1 r
Kim Hye-Ok - Seo Hyun's mother3 y3 @0 X4 l* p) d& {5 r1 _
Nam Jeong-Hee - Kim Mun-Hee's grandmother
7 k. V# R* a' o8 }* x) }Synopsis: N' N2 E+ o0 d& Y
Veteran South Korean director Park Chul-soo (30⅓02) wrote and directed the erotic drama Green Chair. Seoh Jung (The Isle) stars as Kim Moon-hee, an older woman who has just been released from police custody for deflowering an underage young man, Hyun (newcomer Shim Ji-ho). (In South Korea, the age of sexual consent is 20, and Hyun is only 19.) Upon her release, Moon-hee is surprised when Hyun shows up and spirits her away from eager reporters. Dodging a prying reporter and staying out of sight, Moon-hee and Hyun go to a motel, where they continue their torrid affair. Moon-hee thinks Hyun is only interested in sex, so she breaks up with him, and goes to stay with her friend, Jean (Oh Yun-hong). She's heartbroken that Hyun didn't try to get her to stay, but she soon learns that he has followed her. The couple stays with Jean, who seems to share Moon-hee's attraction to the handsome young man. Moon-hee fulfills her community service (part of her sentence) by caring for senior citizens in a rest home. The two struggle through their challenging relationship, dealing with Hyun's immaturity and Moon-hee's insecurity. With Hyun's 20th birthday approaching, they plan a big dinner party, inviting everyone who's had a recent impact on their lives. Green Chair was shown at the 2005 edition of the New York Asian Film Festival, presented by Subway Cinema. ~ Josh Ralske, Allrovi/ K6 S6 B0 U& `( b4 m
32018-green-chair-(2005).torrent (15 KB, 下載次數: 102)
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