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Erotic Ghost - Siren [日本語_英字幕] [700.4MB /AVI] [複製鏈接]

4 M! Q+ J+ }& _$ A7 r
Aka : Erotic Ghost – Siren/ Shin yojo densetsu:  seiren$ n* S# i8 a# c& a) ]/ s1 ?
Year ………: 2004
8 l; C& l2 x6 N; ]/ D# a% @Country ………:  Japan
( X) }( X& d9 g9 L  N, X9 J( ]Language : Japanese
8 ?3 I0 p6 A4 S. U; XSubtitle(s) : English
2 i! D% E8 U, z$ a8 G! s/ aFilm Genre : Erotica/Horror/Action
# v: e7 m2 }# cVideo Format : AVI - Xvid
, I" |5 p; ^2 F) bVideo Runtime : 82 mins5 V! Y  q/ Y- P2 R: i" N# c
Director: Satoshi Torao+ p; C0 l* T0 t
Cast: Sora Aoi, Junichi Kawamoto, Yuken Yoshida, Hideaki Mizuki, Shintaro Wada, Kazuyoshi8 b% l1 W9 B; S3 Z/ @- g
" F! S5 ?0 s6 p5 [' IYaguchi(Junichi Kawamoto) succeeded 1.5million dollar of bank robbery with fellows who he met at a race track. They start talking about the way they would use money while they are escaping. No one knows their real name and age. It’s only the bonds of criminals but after the big success they were too elated. However, Chucky remained silent, and then Yaguchi realized that 1.5million dollar isn’t enough for 5 of them to live like a dream. On the way to the hiding place, Yumi who is delivering food and alcohol saw them carrying money and guns. Yaguchi tied her up and kidnapped. 48 hours until they escape the country. Some guys start dying unnaturally after trying to touch Yumi. Even the delivery man who came to deliver fake passport was absorbed in Yumi. What is this naked girl’s power!?
' t$ o  X6 b$ v! Z 9848-erotic-ghost-siren-(2004).torrent (15 KB, 下載次數: 570)
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