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[自由] Zoo [複製鏈接]

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Time: 2005-2011

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Format: JPG + PDF

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Country: England (104 issues), Australia (22 issues)
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Description: ZOO - a weekly men's magazine published in Great Britain. The first issue was published January 29, 2004. This was another weekly men's magazine in the UK (and the first such competing magazine "Nuts"). ZOO issued by the German company Bauer Media Group, start off an editor Paul Merrill.
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ZOO consists of a compound of funny news, sports commentaries, girls, jokes, entertainment guide (television, movies, games, video / computer and music), fashion, funny pictures submitted by readers.
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Regular features include the British edition of "The Week In Boobs", "Real Girls of the Year", "In Bed With ..." and "Camera Flash", as the weekly celebrity interview, jokes, and regular sports news, such as "Playercam", "Lip Reading" and "Talking Balls".

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File size: 1.6 GB
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